Saturday, August 9, 2014

Things I miss about Idaho, but not everything


I’m having trouble figuring out how to start this, because the memories both good and bad overlap so much.

First; when it comes to Idaho at least the part I resided in, had some great times. The club was founded there at the Snake River Grill, and those Hazzard sunsets, warm nights and peace beyond belief. Of course there are those memories that slyde in remembering how a small rural area of 15,000 people made me go from passive, to aggressive and turn mean. Mean to the point I barely trust anyone any more except for club members. Then there was all those warning signs from the haul moving me from Pocatello, to Glenn’s Ferry. If I had known who it was crawling up my ass all the time in Pocatello, I’d have just ridded the world of that pest. Then there was that blog or whatever it was that the Mountain Home News, just begged me to write when I tried to turn them down. All I wanted to do in Glenn’s Ferry is hermit myself there and shut out everyone, including radio, tv, and all. Then of course there was everything short of being tarred and feathered. The move from Glenn’s Ferry was good, but Bud being Bud moved me from there to Gooding and when expenses exceeded income from Gooding to Bliss. With a stop on the near ignition of all things that eventually made up HazzardAyre. Remembering back I was to blind to see the invites to turn up the heat with Nurse GoodBody, but I kept it too professional. Things you want to fix but can’t, right?

Then I ran into Rick, got together with Charlie, and even now try to think why did I move, but I can say I’m in some ways better off now than then. I have great neighbors, one next door, who I talk to long hours, two across the street that invite me over for beers and pizza . These things I never felt in my dear Idaho.

Now then saw on the MHI Bitch line that someone put a post up saying for me not to go back there. Before I ever and I’ll do it if I want to, but I have no plans for that. As before I ever see Idaho, except to retrieve some things from the move here and of course LexiBelle, I just asooned not be counted as a Idaho’n, but rather a transplanted Confederate.

Idaho has great beauty, the crystal clear lakes, the open spaces, too bad the minds of some there are not as open.

My day in radio, and what’s next? That in my next entry.

Keep it trucking

toew blogwynged sig


Quote of the Day:
Ninety-nine percent of the failures come from people who have the habit of making excuses.
--Dr. George Washington Carver
Luke 12:6-7“Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God. Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.”

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