Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Numbers not changing, but I am sort of


One of the big things that was part of Overdrive Magazine’ heyday, was the Wrecker of the month. Some very classic and custom heavy hookers(tow trucks) were displayed. The President of the ITA and publisher then of Overdrive , Mike Parkhurst, realized there was a part of the Trucking industry so vital, us in Heavy rig toewing and recovery, so Wrecker of the Month.

Overdrive is what inspired the model talent searches we do, thought being if Overdrive could do that so could we, problem, Overdrive was in Van Nyes California(Hollywierd) not rural Idaho or Utah. More on that on tomorrows show.

TV is changing. The big cable/satellite companies are trying to get the Government in DC to get rid of all broadcast TV networks, and rid the airwaves of over the air TV. They only want YOU to buy cable and or satellite. Trouble is that kicks a Social Security check in the ass.

Of course there are communities, like Bliss Idaho that used to have cable when it was TCI, but Cable-One there decided it was too much for a population base of 300 to run a wire from Hazzard to Bliss. So most are subject to satellite or OTA(over the air) TV. If you want to keep the signals flowing, please tell your representatives in DC to keep OTA TV alive.

Last, talked to our beloved Laura, (I swear I’d marry that gal,) she says our phone numbers remain as they are, although I got told that they would change by one of Comcast’ wonderful clerks at the Layton office.

Finally the Miss Maximum Overdrive talent search starts next month. It’s a bit different than other talent searches we do. The Miss Maximum Overdrive talent search looks to find the hottest and sweetest real life truck stop waitress’s , truck parts runners etc, and put them on our calendar and be featured on our TV ad’s. So nominate your fave waitress take a pic, and we’ll be announcing on air the 10-20 of where to go take a gander at em, then YOU judge who should be Miss. Maximum Overdrive.

Much to do in the AM,


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Quote of the Day:
The depth and the willingness with which we serve is a direct reflection of our gratitude.
--Gordon T. Watts
Psalm 119:160“All your words are true; all your righteous laws are eternal.”

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