Thursday, August 14, 2014

A day in the life of the old AyreWolf(me) and this creature we call Maximum Overdrive


The day in the life of ye old AyreWolf, usually begins at 09:00 Hours. I awake mid morning because I’m up all night on Maximum Overdrive or HazzardAyre Radio. It’s a quick shower , a Hostess fruit pie and BIG glass of milk then its grind away at duties for either Cooter’s A1 Toewing(mis-spelled on purpose) or Hazzard County Choppers. Then it’s meander down to the office/studio. Wasn’t that way last month, most of the day it all began and ended at the Wolf’s Den, in Ogden. Trouble is, outside of a roomy or club member nobody to help with anything, nobody especially female wants to get nibbled on by any big bad wolf so Robin Hood don’t go there so we moved things into a more professional setting, that this month of August took a bunch of bread to do, between office rent, Comcast for the studio/office, fuel, took near if not completely everything I had. Kinda was hoping my new roomy would’ve sent $250.00 but hey, it’s cool. Next month with a full load of rent money, from the roomy and all shouldn’t be such a tight squeeze on the wallet.

Once I get to the office its pre production for that nights show and deciding which one will be ran. Not enough in studio people for complete 4 , 6 hour shifts yet.

Then it’s on the air. Gotta get a TV for those long speeches we get from the network.

Then at 01:00 its in the truck, get to Ogden, catch some sack time, then do it all again. Sunday’s are hardest since have church duties until noon, catch lunch, go to the studio/office , and do it all again.

Maybe now that we are in a slightly fancier place we can attract some on air people.

Only real problem except for the cost of fuel to drive 60 miles round trip a day, is I can’t get comfortable while I do my show. No more stripping down to my BVD’s and gym shorts.

Will see all on the 1st or so unless my new roomy sends down more money ahead of time, plus going to Wyoming for two weeks to put up a new tower and pull cable.

If anyone needs to get in touch call my Cooter’s A1 line 801-689-3044 .


wynged sig 2wynged pictograph

Quote of the Day:
WAIT! Nature calls!
(in the middle of a ping-pong game)
Revelation 3:14,20“[To the Church in Laodicea] “To the angel of the church in Laodicea write: These are the words of the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the ruler of God’s creation. Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.”

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promo shot pleasent view tail

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